Monday, December 1, 2008

Hello?.......Is this thing on?

I know, I know!!! it has been 2 freakin months since I have posted! I have been a tad bit busy, plus I got a damn blackberry! Now I know why some call it the crackberry! It's actually kinda nice not having to turn on my computer everyday. I have been checking and responding to e-mail on it. Way to easy to get a hold of me now!

What have I been doing you ask? First off, trying to be a good mom! This is kinda hard when my 3 year old has decided to have his own opinion on EVERYTHING!! Also, he is officially a big boy! We are a big boy underwearin fool, and the king of a big boy bed. God I'm glad that part is over. Both happened in the same week! How lucky was I? I was really scared he was going to be in pull ups at age 10!

I have also been super busy doing all the craft shows. It is a production I tell ya. You should have seen me roll up to my first "real" show. I have my fold out table, my sad little poster board sign, and a little rack to hold my products. Ummmm...I was so freakin out of my league! People were putting up FULL stores! They had lighting for gods sake!! So I tried my best not look like a complete dork! I had my childhood friend Foy come help me set up, god love him! I did pretty well! it was fun meeting new people and hearing all the great ideas they had for my products! Here is a picture of my little booth. The tutus are not mine, they belong to my girl Sonya from too freaking cute I tell ya!!

Ok, here is one last special something I will leave you with. Here is my little ham! enjoy!